Lisa and Reece Smith – Our Franchise Story
Learn more about their experience with activ as some of our longest-standing consultants.

What were your reasons behind researching starting your own business and specifically a franchise business?
"We were running a small graphic design business and knew that we needed to diversify our offering and increase our client base but we needed support to do that."

What was it that appealed to you about activ?

How did you find the start-up process in getting your business off the ground?

With your business now 12 years old, how have you found being a franchisee and would you recommend this to others in a similar position?
"We’d recommend joining activ to anyone who is looking to start their own marketing business. In 2021, the franchise rebranded under the new owner and it has really moved things on and up a level. Katie Bullon, our new owner and MD, was a franchisee herself so she understands the stresses and strains involved in developing a business, but she also has a successful business and marketing background as well as a great drive. We’ve seen vast improvements since she took over and we have faith in her vision for how the business will continue to grow going forward."